Thursday, December 18, 2003
December 18, 2003

It is very hard to live in a materialistic world when you don't have unlimited funds. It is ten times harder with teenage children. I don't know how many more times I can hear, "I don't have anything," or "So-and-so has this can I get it," or my favorite, "But Everyone has it and I just have to have it!"

I don't like Everyone. Everyone must be the richest, most spoiled person on the face of this Earth. Everyone needs to get a reality check and realize that she is creating chaos in suburbia. Everyone can afford Louis Vuitton purses and every other designer brand anything that is out there. I can't. Making my teenage daughters understand this is Mission Impossiple to the Max.

Not being able to buy them everything makes me feel guilty, and then that makes me mad. They have what they need (and much more), but they don't have what they want. At thirteen years old, they should not be wanting what they want,but because everyone else has it they thing they need it. There is a huge difference between wants and needs and I think they should be teaching that in Middle School America.

I need to make them realize how much they have and I don't know how. Reminding them of all they have only helps for a moment. They quickly turn that around and let me know how many other people have more. They really don't rallize how much they have.

I also need to stop feeling guiltly when I say no. If I was denying them things they really needed I would have something to feel guiltly about, but I am not.
posted by Kelly @ 12/18/2003 05:06:00 PM  
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