Wednesday, February 04, 2004
It's hard not to be jealous sometimes.

When I hear about someone else's good fortune, my first reaction is happiness. I really am happy for that person. I like to see people get what they deserve. I'm human though, and I must admit that my initial happiness sometimes turns to jealousy.

Just a little twinge. "Why them and not me?" I doesn't usually last long. But it is there, and I don't like it.

It bothers me that I feel this way. I am happy for the person, and most of the time I understand why them and not me. They have worked hard and they are getting their reward. Even though I don't let this feeling show, I know that it is there and I feel bad that my petty feelings are taking anything away from someone else's celebration.

Even if that person doesn't know, I know, and it bothers me. Even though it is a small twinge, it's still there. I want to be genuinely happy for people. No ifs. That's why I am working to change this.

Being jealous of someone is like comparing myself to them. And that is not good thing to do. We all have unique situations, talents, strengths and weaknesses. Jealousy is a time waster, and it always brings me down. It makes me focus on what I don't have and it makes me forget all the good things that I do have.

It's not like I spent hours dwelling on this, but one second is too much as far as I'm concerned. I Have much better things to do with my time. I don't have time to waste. There is too much I need to do.
posted by Kelly @ 2/04/2004 08:26:00 PM  
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