Sunday, May 09, 2004
Since it is Mother's Day, I thought it would be appropriate to say a little about my mom. I have always liked those 100 things about me posts, so I thought I'd put a spin on it and do one about my mom. I chose 37, one for every year Patricia McCue has been my mom.

37 Things About My Mom:

1. My mom has beautiful blue eyes.
2. She is a nurse. She put her self though Nursing school when I was a kid. She did this as a single parent while working full time and raising three kids and not getting child support from my father.
3. She graduated from a Catholic High School, and hated it. She has never gone back to a High School reunion. She didn't make me go to a Catholic High School.
4. My mom adores animals and right now she has a dog, 6 cats, 2 horses and a pony (the horses live with my brother).
5. My mom can pull a horse trailer and even back it up. Hey that's impressive to me!
6. She is a certified Angel Therapy Practioner. She reads angel cards and she's really good at it. I've even had people tell me that she's an angel on earth. I prefer to think she is a messenger, I think she does too!
7. My mom is very creative, and she only started painting a few years ago. She painted a beautiful mural of the ocean on her living room wall. She doesn't think she is an artist, but she is.
8. When I was a kid, we didn't have a lot of money, but my mom always made sure we got to do cool things--like art lessons and riding horses (we even had a pony.)
9. My mom once built a raft with 4 other people and rode it down the river in a raft race. It was made from 50 gallon barrels. She didn't win.
10. My mom loves to ride horses, and she has owned a pony or a horse for most of her life. Her first pony was Jimmy, and I think her first horse was Tony (a paint horse she used to ride bare back and pretend she was an Indian).
11. My mom won a truck in a radio contest. She said she knew she would win--she has visualized it.
12. My mom's name is Patricia. You can call her Pat, but don't ever call her Patsy, she hates that name. That's what she was called as a child.
13. Every year for Christmas my mom dresses up as Mrs. Claus and passes gag gifts out to everyone. Everyone knows who she is, but we all play around and pretend she is really Mrs. Claus.
14. My mom dressed up for many occasions including Halloween and has come up with some hysterical outfits. Once, on no special occasion, she dressed up as an old woman and knocked on a few neighborhood doors. Thank God they were relatives.
15. My mom laughs a lot. She's very funny and she's a great story teller if she can get it out without laughing.
16. When I was 14 my mom let me go to California to meet my pen-pal.
17. My mom is tiny, but she is very strong.
19. She is very friendly. Everyone likes her. Every time I meet someone who knows my mom, they gush over her. She is also quiet and soft spoken (unlike me!)
20. She once completed a Native American survival course. I don't know the details, but I know it was pretty intense.
21. She used to have a full sized tee-pee set up in her back yard.
22. She is very open minded and is always trying new things.
23. When I was a kid I was very messy (I still am) and my room was a disaster. Instead of yelling at me she bought me a poster that said, "Cleanliness is a sure sign of a sick mind!"
24. She wanted to join the peace Corp, but my grandparents wouldn't let her. She became a secretary instead and then got married.
25. My mom is the oldest of three sisters. Her youngest sister passed away five years ago.
26. I always thought her favorite color was green, but lately she's into purple.
27. Her favorite flowers are Impatients.
28. She hates when tree's are cut down. It makes her sick.
29. Two of her favorite TV shows were Magnum PI and McGyvier (sp?). She used to watch them in re-runs. I think most of the TV she watches is in re-runs!
30. My mom has also taken classes in hypnotherapy. And she can hypnotize people for weight loss and smoking cessation.
31. She is the mom of three (2 girls and a boy) and a grandma to 8 (4 and 4). I am her favorite, Kelly.
32. She would love to own a Jeep Liberty. If I could I would buy it for her, because she has always been so generous to me.
33. She didn't freak out when I got a tattoo. I think that is pretty cool. She didn't say to much when I had purple hair either. She survived me. That's pretty amazing.
34. I might get killed for saying this, but she has natural red hair. She hated her red hair and dyes it blonde. I think she looked great with red hair.
35. She would love to swim with the dolphins.
36. And she loves the ocean.
37. She is the greatest mom in the world, and I am honored to be her daughter.

I love you mom, Happy Mother's day!

posted by Kelly @ 5/09/2004 07:43:00 AM  
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