Monday, July 19, 2004
Analyzing dreams for a week can be very enlightening.  In some ways I was surprised by what I learned, or at least I was at first, and I was quite pleased with what I learned.
I never had the same dream, but surprisingly the dreams I had had remarkably similar meanings.  The recurring theme throughout my dreams was that I should be open to new opportunities and experiences, that I was experiencing a spiritual awakening, more opportunities would be presented to me, but I must be willing to accept them, and that I was changing the way I think about things, and that I was struggling with this.  One message that I got from my dreams was that I needed to start catering to my inner child more.  And another was that I needed to take more control of my life and expand my horizons and look into new interests.
One part of a dream that I vividly remember right down to the color, shape and size of the object was a doorbell.  I even drew it when I woke up.  The meaning of this was calling attention to something that I have overlooked, "perhaps you don't realize an opportunity is open to you." (From
I was shocked at how much I learned from my dreams.  I also really saw things changing in me from day to day, and my dreams reflected this change.  In the beginning of the week I had doubts and was full of fear and I was seriously doubting what I was doing.  My dreams kept urging me to explore new things and start looking for new opportunities and showed me that I needed to take control of my life and what I wanted.  As my confidence came back and I started to believe in myself again, the meanings of my dreams started to change.  Some of  the messages were similar, but I was definitely getting more definitive messages.  It was weird, but I really felt I was being told I was on the right track, and if I kept at it and kept my confidence and belief in myself that I would be rewarded.
In the last dream I had, I remember being in a crowd.  I wasn't sure where I was but I felt I was at a bazaar, there was a very festive atmosphere.  Everyone around me was happy.  Here's the meaning, "To see a happy, orderly crowd in your dreams denotes assured happiness, pleasant friends, and opportunities for advancement."  This message backed up several other really positive messages I received from the dream meanings and helped jump start  a better attitude about things.
I can't explain it, but I have a renewed sense of confidence, and I am also eager to try new things.  It has helped me make a decision about my writing too.  I want to write books.  I'm not sure what kind, or what they will be about, but I know this is what I want to do.  This is always what I have wanted to do with writing.  For as long as I can remember when I have talked about writing,  I  have said I want to write books--not magazine articles, not newspaper pieces, not web copy, but books.  I'm not sure how I will do this or where I will start, but I know I must start.  I feel this is the right direction. 
I don't care that I don't know how.  That has never stopped me before.  I am not going to listen to any of the reasons why this will be hard or why I can't do this.    I know in my heart that I can.  I have let what others think stop me before.  I refuse to do that anymore.

posted by Kelly @ 7/19/2004 11:00:00 AM  
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