Monday, November 14, 2005
Continuing with "One a day for November eBay Sale":

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Courage, SOLD.

This is part of a series I call Emotions. "Strength" (SOLD) and "Dreaming" are listed, and "Celebrate" is coming tomorrow. These are all done in acrylic, and will come matted. There are four more in the series, but they are watercolors. They are "Envy", "Fear", "Passion" and "Joy". These will be listed later in the month as the eBay sale continues.


(A (very) short story by Kelly Gibbons inspired by the painting )

Some people thing if you are courageous you are a brave, big, strong hero. True that is courageous, but the simpler forms of courage are far more important. Average people are more courageous on a daily basis, but it goes unnoticed. Most don't even believe they have courage, instead they think they're weak and failing. Maybe we should applaud and award this courage. It might be just the recognition needed for that person to carry on with the struggle. Maybe it's the person in the grocery line who has the courage to give the cashier his last dollar to pay for food, or the drug addict who has the courage to take his last hit and know she needs help. Maybe it's the teenager who is pregnant and scared, but summons up the courage to tell her parents. Maybe it's the writer who sends his first (or 100th) query, or the artist who lists her work on eBay. Every person you look at has their own personal struggles, and must summon up courage everyday to survive. Maybe you can be their hero by telling them you notice. Maybe you can finally see that you are also a brave, courageous person who deserves to be honored and awarded. Maybe today is the day you see that courage, and use it to do that thing you never thought you could. Be proud of yourself, because everyday you do something that is courageous and brave.
posted by Kelly @ 11/14/2005 07:39:00 AM  
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Name: Kelly Gibbons
Home: Dallas, Pennsylvania, United States
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