Wednesday, December 31, 2003
New Year' Eve 2003-What a Year It's Been

This year has been amazing, and sometimes I forget that. Since this is New Year's Eve I thought it was a good time to remind myself how far I've come.

It is easy to forget our accomplishments when the day to day stuff gets in the way. I start dwelling on the bad things and forget the good. Here's a reminder of some of the good:

1. I decided to becoming a writer.
2. I enrolled in a writing class.
3. I quit my job to pursue my dream.
4. I became a published writer and photographer.
5. I wrote a children's book (not published yet, but my Grandpa loved it!)
6. I designed, published and maintain a web site.

This year was also filled with some great adventures. I went to Jamaica with my family (absolutely awesome), NYC with the girls, and I got to visit some other great places for articles. How cool is that! I got paid to go to some places I always wanted to see(Jim Thorpe, PA and the Houdini Museum)!

I have wanted to do all of these things for so long, and I am still rather stunned that this was the year I was able to--especially the writing. I have journals from four years ago where I wrote things like, "I want to write a book," and "I wish I could be a writer" but I never did anything about it. I was to afraid to take the leap. I am still trying to figure out what the difference was this year. I think it is because I finally just decided I could do it, and I made a real effort. I found that even a little bit of effort can make a huge difference, and that even when you are absolutely petrified if you move past it amazing things will happen.

I had heard so many people say that and I didn't believe it until I experienced it myself. I am so happy I moved past my fear. If I had not none of this would have happened. I am still scared all the time. I doubt myself a lot and wonder what the hell I have gotten in to, but now instead of quitting or giving in to my fear, I ask myself, "what's the worst that can happen?" Once I realize that even if the worst happens I'll still be OK, it is pretty easy to move forward.

In writing my biggest fear was sharing and rejection. Since I have shared my work, I have heard so many nice things, and I have also had a few rejections (always nice though). Guess what? I survived. And not once has anyone said "You suck" or "You're not a real writer" or "You don't belong here" or any of the other things I thought I'd hear.

I have a long way to go and a lot to learn and I know I will have to get through many more bad days, and ups and downs before all is said and done. But I have never been happier with a decision. It is actually nice to finally be able to say, "When I grow up, I want to be a writer!"

Happy New Year! May 2004 be the Year that Dreams continue to come true!

One of my biggest inspirations this year was Alex Beauchamp. I have never meet her, but her web site,, has been such an inspiration to me. I am so glad I found it. Anyone who wonders if they could possibly become a writer should read her chronicles. They will know that it is possible. I can't wait until her book it published, It will definitely be on my must read list!
posted by Kelly @ 12/31/2003 10:00:00 AM  
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