Tuesday, January 06, 2004
It's one of those days. The kind of day that someone on the outside looking in would say I'm being lazy. Four months ago I would have agreed. I'm glad I know better now.

Today I am resting, but I am also thinking, reading and preparing for tomorrow. Tomorrow might be the day that it comes all together and I write everything that needs to be written. Today is not that day, or it is not yet, maybe it will be later. I have been more accepting of that. A few weeks ago if I spent 6 hours not being able to write I would have panicked, if I decided to take a nap I would have felt guilty, and if the only thing I read was someone else's blog I would have felt very unproductive. Today doing all of those things makes me feel like I have changed for the better.

Not being able to write for six hours is not a big deal. It only means I need to think a little more. Taking a nap is nothing to feel guilty about, it means I need a rest. And, some of the journals I read are far better than some books I've read, and I have never considered reading a book unproductive. I really like reading about others. I like getting a glimpse of how other people live. It is interesting and entertaining. The characters seem so real because they are real. I have learned so much from these people. I have learned a lot about myself.

Having a website and an online journal were very important to me, but I couldn't figure out why, but I think I am beginning to understand. I want to feel connected to others. Yesterday I said that I write for myself. I do, but I feel real joy when someone else gets what I've said, when they understand it, are inspired by it or helped by it or just feel happy because I wrote it. I like to help people and make people happy. I feel selfish though because I'm the one who wins in the end. I am the one who is happy.

Yesterday, Brigett (a stranger to me) wrote something that made me feel terrific, "You are so full of good cheer! I will enjoy reading your blog. Keep writing!!!" This really made me think. My first thought was, oh no, I don't want to give people the wrong impression. I don't want people to think everything is just roses and good. Because believe me, I am human and I have some really bad days. I like me much better when I am nice, and most of the time that really is the way I am, but I have it in me to be a B**** when I want to be (my husband and children and that poor deli lady at the grocery store are screaming in agreement right now). Then I thought about it and realized that when I write I am being the person that I want to be. I want to be nice. I want to be inspiring. I want to be helpful. And these are not bad things to want to be. So forgive me if I seem like Pollyanna sometimes, and forgive me on the days I don't!
posted by Kelly @ 1/06/2004 12:43:00 PM  
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