Friday, February 13, 2004
Last night as I flipped though 40 or 60 channels, however many I have now. This could get me going on a whole other subject--$45 a month to watch crap on TV.

anyway, I was flipping through the channels and the recurring theme seemed to be serial killers. Joy. Jack the Ripper and the Zodiac Killer were spotlighted. More joy. I couldn't help myself--I get sucked in easy. Thank god I was tired and didn't watch much. I am really afraid what my dream would have been like then.

On one of these "Let's Glorify the Serial Killer" programs a detective made a comment about the killer's threat on children (it was Zodiac, Jack stuck to adults) that was so stupid I can't believe they aired it. This is not word for word, but it went something like, "it was unimaginable, he was planning to kill children for no good reason."

I looked at my husband and said, "So, if he had a reason, it would be OK."

I could hear the killer now, "She was wearing a red shirt, so I killed her."

Stupid detective, "Well, then it is OK, you can go."

That stupid line must have stuck with me because my dreams were terrible. I dreamt my son killed someone (but he didn't mean to!) Before I go any further I should add that my son is a 17 year old sweetheart that would never kill anything unless it was on a video game (YUK!).

In the dream after he killed the girl he came to me for help. Being the good mother I am I helped him hide the body, clean up the murder scene and get rid of all the evidence. After all, he didn't mean to do it. Why should he be punished. Calling the authorities never enter my mind. A girl was dead, my son killed her, but it was OK 'cause he didn't mean to do it.

For the record, I hope I am never faced with this situation in real life I did a miserable job of it in my dreams. I would be sittin' in Sing-Sing right now. I guess I should be happy that I don't have it in me to cover-up a murder. Wait 'til I tell my son he is not aloud to kill anyone today.

Don't ask me why I am posting this. I am not sure myself. I think there might be a lesson somewhere in there other than it is not OK to kill. I'm sure I could put some kind of writing or parenting lesson on the end of this if anyone really wants me to. I won't. Sometimes it is nice to write want is on your mind for no other reason than you want to. It is OK to write for no reason at all. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.


I am in a posting mood today, so bear with me.

I told my son not to kill anyone this morning, and without missing a beat or even knowing why I said it his reply was, "OK mom not 'til this afternoon."

You have to love a kid with a sense of humor like that.
posted by Kelly @ 2/13/2004 07:31:00 AM  
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