Friday, April 02, 2004
I haven't been asked to write any thing in a long time--I guess you can see that hasn't stopped me. Even though no one asks, I keep writing anyway, hoping upon hope that someday this will all pay off.

I consider blogging writing. It may never be published anywhere but here, but I still take the time to put words down, so it is time well spent. The words aren't always pretty and the grammar is sometimes off. If I went back and did edits I would certainly change some things. Writing here is more for fun. It is also a great way to meet some wonderful people.

One of these wonderful people (really it's two because they contact me as a team--sometimes he writes sometimes she writes and sometimes they both write) asked me to write something today. To Gary I say, "Sure, thanks for asking!"

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about my son and the volleyball team:

"I'm upset for my son. He is a terrific kid who beats to his own drum. He's also one of those kids who is stuck in the middle (a lot like me). He is not a superstar at the things he wants to be a superstar at. He is a superstar at being himself, but when you are 17 that's not enough. He tries so hard, and he never quite makes it to the other side. He's on the volleyball team and he has been busting his butt to make varsity, and last night he found out that he's number 9 and number 8 is the cut off. He also found out that one of the reasons he was dropped down was because he had to work on Sunday and didn't make practice. He has to work to keep his car and doesn't have a problem with this. He has a problem with the consequences of it, and I don't blame him. I could have cried when he said, "Mom, life isn't fair." What do I say to that when I feel the same way at times."

We talked about it and he decided to stick with it and play on the JV team. He really loves to play the game and he at least this way he would get to play. I also told him that this is one of those things he had no control over, so he couldn't let it bother him. I told him to go out there and play and show them he deserved to be on varsity.

Two days later he came home with a varsity jersey because a player got sick and there was a tournament coming up and they needed another player. This wasn't the way I wanted him to get on the team, but at least he would get a shot.

Once again, he was disappointed. He sat at an all day tournament and got about 30 seconds of play time. Again he decided to sick with it, and I reminded him that there was nothing he could do about it but go out and do his best. Eventually all that practice would pay off.

I providing this update for two reasons: 1. Gary asked me to post the story 2. I'm a mom and I like to brag. The actual season started this week and on Tuesday my son started on the Varsity team and last night he not only started but was never subbed out.

That's right, my son is a Varsity Volleyball player.

He also provided me with some lesson of my own. Nice things do happen to nice people. Practice pays off. Don't worry about the things you can't control. If you love to do something, it is worth doing no matter what. Persistence pays off.
posted by Kelly @ 4/02/2004 02:39:00 PM  
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