Tuesday, May 25, 2004
If anyone manages to get here today and read this, please drop the www before my blogger posts to any links you have listed (mine and others). Every once in a while, I experience this problem with blogger where having the www before my link causes it to be unavailable. Maybe when they made the changes this was something that I was supposed to do, but I never received notification and I don't have time to check support all the time. But, this happens all the time, so to avoid the problem in the future, I am changing all my links now. Some in my archives might be this way to, and eventually I might get to them, but for now I am concentrating on the main page. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hey, what am I sorry for, it's not my fault!

I bet you think I drank so many Pina Colodas that I thought I was on permanent vacation. Sorry, not true. Lately I don't feel like writing here all the time. I feel like I say the same things over and over and I feel like my writing is uninspired. So I don't write, then I feel guilty because I don't write, then I start to worry if I'm losing it as a writer. See what I mean, vicious cycle.

I have been feeling the same way about doing my SunnyK cartoon too. I like doing it, but only when I feel like doing it. When I force myself to do a cartoon, just to make sure one is there everyday, I lose the joy for doing it.

Some days I feel like doing more than one post or cartoon, and then there are other days that I don't feel like writing or drawing a thing. Even writing a shopping list is a burden on those days, and that scares me. What happens if writing does become a full time job? Will I act the same way then?

Or maybe it is just a time of rest. Kind of a rest when your tired thing. We will have to see.

I've got some updates for you:
Running- I'm feeling great about running, very confident that I will reach my goal of running for 3 miles. I'm even thinking about entering a race when I am done with the 10 weeks of training. I won't be entering it to win, just as a celebration of being able to do it.

When I first started, at the end of each week I worried that I wouldn't be able to increase my running times as I progressed. When I ended a week, I still didn't feel strong enough. I felt I was struggling with the shorter time and there would be no way that I would be able to run longer.

I didn't give up though. I told myself that I could do it, even if I had to jog at a snail's pace. I reminded myself that it wasn't a race that all I had to do was finish. It didn't matter how fast or slow I went. And, surprisingly to me, this worked. I continue to increase my running times, and every week I feel stronger and more confident. This week I knew I would be able to do the increased time. I didn't have any doubts like I did starting other weeks.

As I ran the first 8 minutes I looked at my watch less, and thought about things other than running. I was doing it and not thinking about it, and it felt great. I had heard people talking about being in "the zone," but as a non-athlete, I had no idea what they meant. I felt it yesterday. I even ran longer than my training called for without even realizing it. That feeling gave me a renewed sense of confidence. I knew without a doubt that at the end of 10 weeks I would be able to run 3 miles.

I'm not there yet. I still have 5 weeks to go and I know it will get harder as I continue, but something is changed it me. I really feel that I can do this. No fear. No doubt. I can do this. I will do this.


Yes, this is a Varsity Letter!

The Volleyball season has come to an end for my son, Brian. It wasn't the best season with a record of 7 wins and 9 losses, but sometimes it isn't all about winning.

For those of you that don't remember, he almost didn't make the varsity team. In the beginning he didn't he was the 10 guy when they needed 11. He also got "punished" in the beginning of the season for missing one practice because he had to work .The coach seemed to forget that he had been to every other practice, and that he had to go to work so he could get the day off for the game.

Anyway, he ended up on the varsity team. He started every game but one, and he played in every game. On the last game of the season one of the senior's dad came up to me and said, "If I got a vote for most improved player, it would go to Brian. He has come a long way this season. He is doing a great job."

Volleyball has given this kid so much confidence. He has made so many new friends. My Brian has always had a hard time fitting in but he found his place with this team. It's good to beat to your own drum, but the beat also sounds good with a band.
posted by Kelly @ 5/25/2004 05:42:00 AM  
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