Monday, November 01, 2004
Ever since I started to work, writing has been hard for me. I am not sure why, but writing is the last thing I want to do. I have neglected my novel (although I did add almost 2000 words this weekend), I have an assignment due in 10 days for a writing class, and I haven't started it yet, and it is pretty obvious that I have neglected this journal.

I am not avoiding writing on purpose, it is something that just seemed to happen after I started working again. I'm not worrying about it though either--I feel like I am simply in a dry spell at the moment and eventually the writing will come again. I also know my creativity is still with me, because I have painting and snapping pictures like mad.

I am learning to accept this creative ups and downs and different flows. I just go where they lead and don't question them anymore. In that sense I feel like a more relaxed person. It is also a HUGE sign that I have grown and evolved ENORMOUSLY over the past year. It must be huge if I noticed the change.

And of course, I have pictures to share today. Of course I do, it was Halloween now wasn't it? And since I have never actually posted a picture of my husband here, I thought his Halloween picture would be the perfect way to introduce him.

*NOTE* Since I have been putting a large amount of graphics here lately, I have decided to use thumbnail pictures. If you would like a larger image, click on the picture. Thanks.

I hope your Halloween was as haunting (and fun) as mine!

Ray, the husband, as...well see for yourself


Brian, the son, as a Hippie going to War
Yes, part of the costume was the Irony

Kelci, the daughter, as a Bumblebee Fairy

Michelle, the other daughter, as a Butterfly Fairy

My husband was voted Most Original at the party we attended. The men couldn't stay away from him, and the women were jealous of him. Everyone kept trying to fix him up with some man. I was a little scared. LOL! Naw, we had a blast.

The best comment of the night:

A woman said to him, "I've waited forty years for breasts like that."
His reply, "Here you want one?" As he pulled a sock out of his bra and handed it to her.
posted by Kelly @ 11/01/2004 02:00:00 PM  
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