Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.


Many times I find myself wishing for and wanting more, and totally disregarding what I have. The above quote was a terrific reminder that everything I have was something that I was wished for.

I live in the same neighborhood I grew up in. When my parents divorced, we didn't really have any place else to go (my mom didn't make a lot of money, and let's just say dad kept what he made when and if he had any), so we had to move back in with my grandparents. I loved my grandparents dearly, but at times it was hard with all of us living in the same house. When we first moved in, my mom's youngest sister still lived at home, so my mom, my sister, my brother and I had to share one small room.

To complicate matters, I went to Catholic school. Having divorced parents, and not living in my own home made me stick out like a sore thumb.

I can remember walking through my neighborhood, and looking at the houses and praying and wishing that my family could live in one of them. I so badly wanted a house (and room) of my own. When I started high school, my great aunt passed away, and we were able to move into her house, and eventually my mom was able to buy it. And now, I live in one of the houses I wished I could live in when I was a child. So, am I satisfied?

Sadly, no, not always. I complain that work needs to be done. I complain that it is too small, and I need a bigger house. I don't need bigger, I want bigger. This house is enough. It is more than enough when I consider what others have. It is time for me to start being grateful for all that I have, and stop whining about what I don't have.

So many of the things that I have wished for have come to me, but do I stop and cherish them? No, I wish for more.

Here's a few wishes that have been grated over the past few years. I would like to express my gratitude for these (and all the others I didn't list), just so the universe really knows that I am grateful:

A van

published articles

work as an artist

a new job

a vacation to the islands

writing a book

being hired to illustrate a book

going back to school

running three miles

a digital camera

my own website

I have much to be grateful for. Thank you.
posted by Kelly @ 1/12/2005 05:53:00 AM  
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