Saturday, November 26, 2005
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Fear, etsy.

Usually I write a little story inspired by my painting, but I don't thing I can top the following quotes, so I'll share them instead:

"A fear of foolishness keeps us from painting the pictures we would like to paint, composing the poems, courting the lovers, making the friends, pursuing the jobs, starting the businesses. Those who know this, can confront and transcend their fear of ridicule, are usually in a strong position... Every path breaker has looked foolish, and been humiliated, yet society depends on them utterly... Only those who are willing to risk looking foolish can invent a breakthrough." Farson and Keyes "Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins"

"To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong." Joseph Chillons Pearce

"Fear of knowing is very deeply a fear of doing." Abraham Maslow

"Fearing failure is not necessarily a bad thing. Excitement is the flip side of fear. Any ten year old on a skateboard knows that exhilaration is primarily fear transformed... Fear begins as a negative sensation but can end on a positive note in the form of excitement, elation, exhilaration, euphoria, even ecstasy. Enthusiasm is close cousin. So are intensity and concentration." Farson and Keyes "Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins."

"Courage isn't lack of fear, after all, it's the ability to carry on despite the fear. General Omar Bradley called courage the 'capacity to carry on properly even when scared half to death.' Genuine risk takers not only have the guts to act in face of harrowing apprehension, they know how to harness fear's energy" Farson and Keyes, "Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins."

...and on etsy:

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posted by Kelly @ 11/26/2005 07:22:00 AM  
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