Saturday, November 18, 2006
Me, Me, Me
I thought this was cool, so I took it from Toni:

The ones I've done are in bold, as are notes I added to some I haven't done. I have also put an asterisk by the ones I would like to do.

01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink. Yep, but thank goodness there weren't too many people there!
02. Swam with wild dolphins.* Well, they weren't wild ones, but aren't trained dolphins still consider wild? I know trained lions, tigers and bears are.
03. Climbed a mountain. I live in the "mountains", but they aren't very big ones though.
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive.*
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid.*
06. Held a tarantula.
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone.
08. Said “'I love you' and meant it!
09. Hugged a tree.
10. Bungee jumped.*
11. Visited Paris France or Texas.* Texas, but not Paris, TX, and someday I'll get to France.
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea.* Not at sea, but by the sea...OK, so I was inside.
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise. Many wonderful times!
14. Seen the Northern Lights.*
15. Gone to a huge sports game.*
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa. * No, but I climed to the top of the lighthouse on Cape May.
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables.
18. Touched an iceberg.
19. Slept under the stars.
20. Changed a baby’s diaper. Too many times. LOL.
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon. *
22. Watched a meteor shower.
23. Drunk champagne.
24. Given more than you can afford to charity.
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope.
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment.
My aunts funeral when I was in 8th grade. My cousin and I could not stop giggling. It was awful. There have been other times too.
27. Had a food fight.
28. Bet on a winning horse.*
29. Asked out a stranger.
Bad idea, very bad idea.
30. Had a snowball fight.
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can. More times then I should have.
32. Held a lamb.
33. Seen a total eclipse.
Yes, I think. I tried to, but the funky glasses I had didn't work so good.
34. Ridden a roller coaster.
Many, many times. I love rollercoasters. ; I think my favorite was in Virgina (can't remember the park). It was the superman, and I was on with my son. It was dark, and the thing shot us staight up, I think it was a full 90 angle. On the way up all I saw was a black sky and stars, and it felt like we were really going to fly.
35. Scored a winning goal.* No, I was not an athlete. The closest I've come to this was winning a game of OUT against my husband and kids while on vacation in the Poconos.
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking.
Yes, and I am seriously thinking about doing this again, but in a more formal setting (as in dance lessons).
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day.*
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment.
Yes, yes, yes.
39. Visited all 5 continents.* Oh, how I wish...
40. Taken care of someone who was drunk.
Many, many times. Too many times. Most vivid was with Heidi and Jack (as in Daniels).
41. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country.*
42. Watched wild whales.*
43. Stolen a sign.
44. Backpacked.
45. Taken a road-trip.
Can't wait for the next one, can you say FRED?
46. Gone rock climbing.*
48. Midnight walk on the beach.
49. Gone sky diving.* Nope, but I wrote an article about it once.
50. Taken a train through Europe.*
51. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love.
Oh yeah, how silly was I?
52. In a restaurant, sat at a strangstranger's table, and had a meal with them.
53. Milked a cow.
And, I saw one being born. It was awesome! We named him Masky, because his whole face was white, and his body was brown. He was like our baby. Sadly, he became sick and died. That was 30 years ago, and I will never forget how sad I was when that baby cow died.
54. Alphabetized your CDs. Never, and never will. I don't own enough to organize.
55. Sung karaoke.
Yes, and I am oh so grateful it was not video-taped.
56. Lounged around in bed all day.
Yes, and it is glorious, until the next day when I beat myself up for wasting a day.
57. Gone scuba diving.
Twice. I liked the first time better, we were only down 10 or 15 feet. The second time was more "real" and I kept floating up. An instructor had to come and hold my hand--it sucked! And, then my daughter ruptured her ear drum. No, the second time was not fun.
58. Kissed in the rain.
59. Gone to a drive-in theatre.
60. Started a business.
I guess you can call it that.
61. Taken a martial arts class.*
62. Been in a movie.
63. Crashed a party.*
64. Gone without food for 5 days. Hell no!
65. Gotten a tattoo.
Three, actually.
66. Got flowers for no reason.
Yep, and I've even bought them for myself for no reason!
67. Performed on stage.
When I was very young. It is something I want to do again, but I am too scared.
68. Been to Las Vegas.*
69. Recorded music.*
70. Eaten shark.
I think I tried this once. My husband had it, and I think I took a bite. It's the same night I ate crawfish. Neither are things I would order again.
71. Buried one/both of your parents. Thankfully, no.
72. Been on a cruise ship. Not sure if I would want to do this. I would rather be some place where I could explore.
73. Spoken more than one language fluently.
There was a time in my life, where I mastered Pig Latin!
74. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over.* Someday...
75. Walked a famous bridge.* I think I have, but I'm not sure, so I guess it wasn't that famous.
76. Had plastic surgery. Nope, and I doubt I ever will!
77. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived.
78. Wrote articles for a large publication.
Wrote and submitted, but that's about it. Got the big ole rejection letter.
77. Tried to lose weight seriously.
And, I have been successful at it a few times! Currently I'm -20 and not gaining.
79. Piloted an airplane.*
80. Petted a stingray.
Swam with one in the Bahamas.
81. Broken someone’s heart.
Yes, I think I have, and for that I am sorry.
82. Broken a bone.
83. Eaten sushi.
84. Had your picture in the newspaper.
Right after my girls were born, I was "Cook of the Week" in a local paper. Huge joke, because I ain't no cook!
85. Parasailed.*
86. Skipped all your school reunions. I've gone to two, and skipped the rest.
87. Shaved your head.* Believe it or not, this is something I have always wanted to do. I'm holding out until I can get something in return (like for a contest).
88. Caused a car accident.
89. Pretended to be “sick”.
90. Swam in the Pacific Ocean.
91. Saved someone’s life.
92. Fainted.
93. Been in the room while someone is giving birth. Only myself (and if I could have sent someone else, I might have picked that option). I really don't think I ever want to do this. I know it is miraculous and all, but truthfully the whole thing grosses me out.
94. Hitchhiked.
If my children are reading: THIS IS NOT SOMETHING I WOULD RECOMMED!! It is bad. Luckily, I was never picked up by a mass murder--there are more mass murders out there now. Do not do it.
95. Adopted a child.* I have thought about this.
96. Been caught daydreaming.
All the time!
97. Been to the Painted Desert.* OK, I am going to admit that I don't know what this is. I shall GOOGLE it! Now, I feel silly because I didn't know what it was, but no, I have not been there.
98. Called off a wedding engagement.
99. Donated your blood. I volunteered for the Red Cross at blood drives, but I have never been brave enough to do it myself.
100. Become a follower of Jesus Christ.

And now that THAT is done, I tag...YOU.

Oh, and if someone is counting, that's 3 posts in 3 days, so I'm good for a few months. But, I actually have one for tomorrow, too. Go me.
posted by Kelly @ 11/18/2006 08:56:00 PM  
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