Wednesday, January 14, 2004
No bites on the lemon. Bummer. I guess I'll have to try a different tactic.

I am so busy today. I thought it was time to breathe, or write, or aren't they the same thing? I have found that writing here calms me. Seriously. It is the place I can write whatever I want. I would like it to be a more focused place with a theme, but that doesn't seem to fit into my life right now, and that's OK with me.

I like to jump from one thing to another. It keeps me interested. I hear that focusing on one genre or niche or another is the way to go in writing, but that is not for me. If I find something interesting, I write an article. If I think of a great story, I write fiction. And if today is the day I am a poet, then I write a poem. My husband says I don't know what I want (then laughs). He's wrong.

I want to do everything. I want to do what I want. I don't want to be put in a mold. Never have, never will. That's just me.

I waitressed for 15 years. At the end I was so ready to quit. But looking back, there were many pluses, and I understand why I stayed so long. There was always variety. Every table was different. There were so many new people, and you never really knew what to expect. And I wasn't stuck in a typical 9-5 job. I always said that wasn't for me. But I tried it anyway.

The 9-5 or 8-4 or whatever it was worked for awhile. It too had its pluses, no weekends, no nights, paid holidays, and a steady pay check. However, the biggest plus was that it showed me what was not for me. Sitting in a office for 7 hours a day in a cubicle with no windows and working to make other people rich made me miserable. Being on somebody else's schedule, doing what they said I had to do day in day out was enough to drive me batty (my family too!) I will never regret that decision my decision to quit. Ever.

Today I am busy. I have articles to write. Research to do (I get paid for that! Yeah!) Queries to send. Roses to smell (thanks honey!). There are kids yelling, phones ringing, and my dog is barking. I don't get paid much and my to-do list is now my first novel. But I am happy. This is the best job I ever had and I just have a feeling it is going to get better and better! Enough fun, it's back to work, wait, aren't they the same thing.
posted by Kelly @ 1/14/2004 03:38:00 PM  
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